The conference theme for Today Evangelical Ministries mission trip to Kisumu Kenya was “Imperativeness of Total Transformation to His Holy Image (Following God Wholly)”. The Lord successfully completed the Pastors and Leaders Total Transformation Conference held from Wednesday, May 20 to Friday, May 22nd 2015 and hosted at Holo Community Bible Church near Kisumu Kenya.

The team of nine people from the United States led by Dr. Emeka Ozurumba, left Houston via United Airlines on Saturday May 16 2015 arriving Nairobi on May 17 and proceeding to Kisumu via Kenya Airways on May 18 2015. The tenth member of the team, who lives in Nigeria, flew in from Lagos Nigeria a day before we arrived Nairobi. We had at least two hundred people including church leaders, pastors, and two bishops in attendance for the three days of teaching on Total Transformation. There were powerful testimonies shared from the conference of last year including the miracle of a lady who received an English Bible in 2015 from the ministry, when we ran out of the local language Bible (Luo Bible). This lady testified that God, by His Spirit, enabled her to read and understand the Bible in English language (she normally does not read or understand English language). Another pastor testified that he has read the book – The Two keys to the Kingdom of God – twelve times since last year’s conference and was able to forgive someone who had confessed to killing his child. At this year’s conference the team distributed two hundred bibles in Luo Language and two tracts to every participant. In addition, all the pastors present were given money to assist with their transport and every participant was fed and accommodated for the three days. Forty-five copies each of the two books (The two keys to the Kingdom of God and The Sanctity of Marriage) were also distributed. The widows’ empowerment program was also done on Saturday, May 23 2015 at Ombo Village, Paw Akuche, Kisumu Kenya. A total of forty seven widows were empowered with so many sharing their testimonies from last year’s empowerment that enabled them to pay school fees and feed their families. One of the highlights of the empowerment program day celebration was the testimony of the youngest brother of our host bishop, Bishop Thomas Ogola. The young man, Anderson, was the victim of the recent Al Shabbaab terrorist attack in Garissa University in Kenya. He was shot seven times (including two shots through his chest and one bullet that went through his jaw and mouth slicing his tongue). He was unattended to for five hours and never bled to death and he said he never experienced any pain though he was conscious throughout the ordeal. He not only survived, but was discharged in time to give his testimony at this mission trip’s widows’ empowerment event of Saturday May 23 2015. Dr. Emeka prayed for him and God used him to also encourage and financially support the young university student. The testimonies are so many and the word of God was delivered with clarity and ease of understanding in relation to the basic tenets of transformation and the foundation of eternal life. The host bishop was blessed with a motor cycle to enable him evangelize and oversee the churches and widows in the environment where they are – with its difficult and challenging terrain. He has since written the ministry to acknowledge and testify of God’s goodness. This mission trip was indeed one of the most impacting trips we have undertaken to date and to God alone belong all the praise, honor and glory now and forever more